Milagros Nores

Expertise and Research Interest
- Economics of ECE
- Equity in ECE
- ECE Program and Policy Evaluation
Dr. Milagros Nores is the Co-Director for Research and Associate Research Professor at the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER). With a profound expertise in early childhood evaluation, informing data-driven policy and programming, cost and benefits of early interventions, evaluation design, equity, and English language learners, she has established herself as a leading researcher in the field of early care and education. Currently, Dr. Nores leads early care and education evaluations in various locations, including Colombia (South America), Philadelphia, and New Jersey. Her extensive work includes studying a high-quality early care and education program in Colombia, examining parental-child educational practices for minority children in the U.S., and evaluating Seattle’s preschool program, the West Virginia preschool program, and the Early Care and Education system in Indiana, among others. Recently, she concluded her appointment to a special commission of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, which studied the Opportunity Gap for Young Children from Birth to Eight in the United States leading to a high profile national report. Dr. Nores' educational background is in early childhood attainment, the economics of education, and international and comparative education. Prior to her current position, she worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Taubman Center in Public Policy, Brown University, where she taught Education Policy in a Comparative Perspective and Economics of Public Policy. Dr. Nores serves as a consultant for various organizations on education projects in Latin America and Asia.
Ph.D. & M.Ph. Economics and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
M.Ed. Administration, Planning & Social Policy, Harvard University
B.Sc. Economics, Universidad Torcuato di Tella